My Best Friend

Everything changes and nothing stays the same
but as we grow up, one thing does remain:
I was with you before and will be till the end,
nothing could ever replace...
My Best Friend

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#mybestfriend #bestfriends #bff #bestfriendsforever #friend #quotes #friendship #besties #boyfriend #girlfriend #friendsforever #buddy #pal #mate

Murder Day

Beware: It's murder day!

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#murderday #murderiswrong #cats #killercat #evilcat #vindictivecat #catlover #catperson #cat #catrevenge #catkiller #murderercat #angrycat #catmom #catdad

Forever has no end

Sometimes in life, you find a special friend.
Someone who changes your life just by being part of it.
Someone who makes you laugh until you can't stop.
Someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world.
You have a forever friend, and forever has no end.

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#Foreverhasnoend #bestfriend #bff #friends #friendship #specialfriend #forever #life #laugh #quote #foreverfriend #foreverfriendship #spirit

Dogs make our lives whole

Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole!

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#Dog #dogs #doglover #dogperson #dogman #dogwoman #wholelife #mydog #DogLoverGift #DogMomShirt #DogOwnerGift #DogDadShirt #DogMamaShirt #FunnyDogTee 

We the People

We the People of the United States,
in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

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#WethePeople #preamble #unitedstates #constitution #america #usa #people #4thJuly #FourthofJuly #foundingfathers #independence #states #unitedstatesofamerica

Do the right thing 1

Do the right thing, right here, right now!

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#dotherightthing #therightthing #right #dowhatisright #dowhatyoumust #doright #makeitright #actrightly #dorightly #fulfillyourobligation


Loading Baby, please wait 9 months!

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#loading #pregnant #babyfeet #progressbar #baby #babyshower #itsaboy #itsagirl #expectantmother #funny #loadingbaby

Enjoy the silence

Enjoy the silence

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#enjoythesilence #enjoy #silence #music #depechemode #song #classicalmusic #notevalue #musicalnote #musicnotation


Pi number, 3,14159265358979323846…

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#pi #piday #pinumber #mathematics #π #physics #engineer #geek #freak #maths #ilovemaths #science #314 #numbers #mathlover #314159265


ILU: I Love U

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#ILU #ILoveU #Iloveyou #love #valentine #valentinesday #valentinesdaygifts #valentinesgifts #February14 #ValentinesDaycard

Use the force

Keep calm and use the force

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#darthvader #keepcalm #usetheforce #darkside #Iamyourfather #maytheforcebewithyou #maytheforce 

I work hard so my cats can live a better life

I work hard so my cats can live a better life

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#Iworkhardsomycatscanliveabetterlife #Iworkhard #cat #catgifts #catlover #catperson #crazycatperson #humor #ilovecats #kitty #abetterlife

What if you're right?

What if you're right and they're wrong?

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#Whatifyoureright #fish #right #good #bad #wrong #correct #iamright #againstthetide #doyourway #youareright #carriedaway #beyourself

Keep Calm and Call Mom

Keep Calm and Call Mom

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#KeepCalmandCallMom #callmom #keepcalm #mom #mother #mothersday #mothersgift #mothersshirt