ILU: I Love U

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#ILU #ILoveU #Iloveyou #love #valentine #valentinesday #valentinesdaygifts #valentinesgifts #February14 #ValentinesDaycard

Use the force

Keep calm and use the force

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#darthvader #keepcalm #usetheforce #darkside #Iamyourfather #maytheforcebewithyou #maytheforce 

I work hard so my cats can live a better life

I work hard so my cats can live a better life

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#Iworkhardsomycatscanliveabetterlife #Iworkhard #cat #catgifts #catlover #catperson #crazycatperson #humor #ilovecats #kitty #abetterlife

What if you're right?

What if you're right and they're wrong?

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#Whatifyoureright #fish #right #good #bad #wrong #correct #iamright #againstthetide #doyourway #youareright #carriedaway #beyourself

Keep Calm and Call Mom

Keep Calm and Call Mom

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#KeepCalmandCallMom #callmom #keepcalm #mom #mother #mothersday #mothersgift #mothersshirt

Catpuccino 3

Catpuccino - Cats and coffee, what else?

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#Catpuccino #cats #Cappuccino #coffeeandcats #espresso #coffee #catlover #catperson #coffeelover #Capuccino


Habibi, habibi! Yalla habibi!

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#habibi #arabic #affection #love #dear #habibati #arabiclanguage #yallahabibi #habibisong #arabicspeaking #arab #arabmusic #sweetheart #darling #honey #beloved #arabicmusic

Rules for dating my daughter

Rules for dating my daughter
Regles pour un rv avec ma fille
Reglas para tener una cita con mi hija

Available in English, French and Spanish!

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#father #daughter #fatherinlaw #boyfriend #dating #rulesfordating #girlfriend #friend #couple #soninlaw #fathersday #rulesfordatingmydaughter

I work hard so my cat can live a better life

I work hard so my cat can live a better life

Available in English, Spanish and French!

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#cat #catgifts #catlover #catperson #catmom #funny #Iworkhard #humor #Ilovecats #kitty #abetterlife #Iworkhardsomycatcanliveabetterlife

Pretend to be normal

Sometimes I pretend to be normal, but it gets boring.
So I go back to being me.

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#beingme #funnyquotes #pretendtobe #benormal #crazy #quote #pretendtobenormal